Every company these days is making every effort to create a website that would be accessible on all devices and could serve as an effective sales tool. But if you are striving to meet the standards of accessibility set by ADA compliance rules, please don’t forget to make your website as user-friendly for people with disabilities as it is for those without. If you want potential buyers and clients to be able to visit your website, optimize your website using available online tools. There are many tools on the web like accessiBe you can use in order to comply with ADA regulations.
It is important to offer users with disabilities special website features that make your site easy to navigate and interact with. This way, you’ll meet all ADA compliance requirements that are necessary for every business these days. In order to make your website accessible, you should provide all the necessary tools for people with disabilities. What else can be more important than making it possible to answer a phone call or send a text message from your website? These features will allow individuals who cannot use a mouse or a touchscreen to communicate with you and place orders. If someone’s face is paralyzed, making it impossible to use a mouse, they can simply send messages using their voice.
If you want to meet ADA compliance standards and make your website as user-friendly as possible for people with disabilities, consider implementing these features:
– A phone number on every page of your website where a person who is deaf can call you.
– A text message system where a person who is blind or has low vision can get in touch with you using their devices that read texts aloud.
– An answer to the question “how did you hear about us?” including links to your social media pages, which would allow people with disabilities to find your Facebook and Twitter profiles and learn more about your company.
– A customized 404 page that would help nonverbal or blind visitors understand that they’ve reached a dead end and what to do next.
– An automatic STT system for SMS chatbots where you can communicate with visitors who use this feature on their own devices. It’s also possible to communicate with people with speech impairments who find it difficult to type.
– A form with the required fields automatically marked for screen reader users, so they know which information is missing without having to click on every field with their mouse or touchscreen.
– An automatic script that announces all changes individuals who are blind may need to pay attention to.
– A mobile version of your website that would make it possible for individuals with disabilities to navigate through your website and purchase products on the go.
You also need to ensure that your website is ADA compliant in terms of content. Ensure that your site is easy to read and contains lots of white space so text would be easily visible for people who have disabilities related to their sight. Make buttons, titles, subtitles, etc big enough, so they are comfortable to see or hear being read out loud by screen readers or an STT system.