For people who frequently travel for business or pleasure, there is a whole routine need to prep the house for periods they are away. They must eat most of the perishable foods, wash the piled-up laundry, and give the house a good sweep. If the house is not cleaned beforehand, it only becomes extra work when they come home.
Here are some home features that might simplify the cleaning process:
- Vinyl floors
One of the most significant problems with staying away from home is the dust build up. Movie scenes depict the furniture of unused houses covered in dust cloths. This technique is to keep the dust off the thick fabric of couches, seats, and glass tables. There is no need for that in a modern home, but it just goes to show what a pain dealing with dust is. Roll up your rugs, and instead of carpet, have vinyl floors from Vinyl floors are easy to clean. They are waterproof. You can use a mop and not have to worry about how it will affect the finish of your floor panels.
- Cedar closets and cubby holes
For long trips, another issue you can face is your clothes smelling musty. You can try to have a specific material for your wooden closets and shelves. Cedarwood holds up well against moisture and has a fresh scent, a far cry from the smell that comes with being in closed off environments. It also prevents moths and other kinds of vermin from living in your closet. If you do not have cedar closets, another solution is to have open cubbyholes instead of drawers. Your clothes can be stacked to fit multiple areas. Being out in the open can help maintain the fresh detergent scent.
- Granite or quartz countertops
Since you will not stay at home frequently, investing in marble countertops or similar high maintenance materials might not be the best idea. Countertops made out of granite, quartz, or other composite materials don’t require a lot of attention. They are easy to clean, just like the floors.
They are also very forgiving. If you find yourself cooking a quick meal after a long trip, you can directly set the pot on the counter with no worries about damaging the material. They are very durable and can withstand high heat. Any careless errors from negligence due to fatigue or stress can be overlooked.
- Mudroom
If you are someone who travels for sport, a mudroom to keep your off-season gear is a must. Having the appropriate space allows you to care for the equipment better. The more space you have for storing it, the better you can see the equipment from multiple angles. Should there be any damage, a crack or fray, you can inspect and repair it immediately.
These features are not difficult to find or create. They are simple solutions to the problems that come with frequently traveling: dust, smell, and reduced maintenance. They help your house feel like a home.