If you’re currently in the process of applying to attend college and are worried about how you’ll be able to pay for your living expenses as well as your college fees and course-related costs, simply continue reading to discover everything you need to know about student financial aid from Kevin Rolle.
Everything you need to know about student financial aid:
1. If you’ve chosen a college to attend it’s well worth visiting its financial aid office
If you’ve narrowed down your list of colleges which you’re interested in attending and have chosen the college which you’d like to attend, it’s well worth making a trip to its campus in order to book a meeting at your chosen college’s financial aid office. As the helpful staff members will be able to help you investigate all of your options when it comes to financial aid.
As an example, the staff member who you may talk to may be able to give you a list of scholarships which you have a high chance of being awarded. Better yet they may even be able to help you through the scholarship application process. Which will significantly increase your chances of being awarded one or more scholarships.
2. There is no shame in applying for financial aid
If you feel slightly uncomfortable about applying for financial aid in order to fund your college education, it’s well worth noting that there is no shame in applying for financial aid. Especially as it takes several years to gain a college degree and it can be incredibly hard to try and support yourself, whilst putting yourself through college.
So if you have a genuine reason to believe that you’ll find it extremely challenging to pay your way through college on the income of a part-time employee, it’s definitely well worth applying for financial aid, in some shape or form. You may even be surprised to learn that in the last year over $183 billion dollars was awarded to college students in the US. So by applying for financial aid, you won’t take financial aid away from other students.
3. There are currently four types of financial aid which are available
The four types of financial aid which you may want to apply for include financial aid from the federal government, financial aid from state governments, financial aid from colleges and universities and financial aid from private organizations such as rotary clubs and corporate businesses.
If you’re looking to significantly decrease your bill for your college tuition, it’s well worth applying for aid from all four avenues. As you may be granted aid from multiple sources, which will make attending college a far more viable opportunity.
4. It’s well worth filling out as many application forms for scholarships as possible
There’s absolutely no harm in filling out the application forms for as many college scholarships as you’re eligible for. As being awarded a scholarship is a numbers game and the more scholarships you apply for the higher your chances will be of scoring a lucrative scholarship.
So if you believe that financial aid would make attending college a far more viable option, it’s well worth noting all the tips listed above!