There’s no worse time for a dog owner than when their pet is under the weather. Your faithful companion can’t communicate to tell you exactly what’s wrong, and you can’t tell them it’s all going to be ok! What you can do is make sure you know how to spot the signs that something is wrong and take care of your dog in the best way you can. Learning about dog vomiting and diarrhea treatment,or how to relieve the symptoms of an ear infection makes you a better, more responsible dog owner, so today we’re looking at the top three ways to care for a sick dog.
Spot the Warning Signs
The first thing you need to be able to do is spot when something is wrong. Single instances of vomiting or diarrhea are common, and may not be symptomatic of any greater problem. Worrying would be a waste of your time, as well as something your dog might pick up on cause them worry in turn.
If you’re worried about your dog’s health you need to look for some key signs to tell you if anything is wrong. Changes in behaviour like unexpected aggression or uncharacteristic lethargy can be signs of pain or sickness, as can evidence they can’t see or hear clearly. You know your pet, and you’ll spot when they’re behaving differently. Trust those instincts!
If they’re experiencing vomiting or diarrhea, or lose their appetite, keep them under observation for a day or two – if the problem clears up by itself you have no further cause to worry, but a vet’s visit could be in order if they don’t. If they’re retching a lot without vomiting, this could be a sign of a serious blockage in their digestive system, and you should make an emergency appointment immediately!
Diarrhea and Sickness
These are two of the most common symptoms to affect sick dogs, and even if they clear up on their own, you need to know how to keep your dog happy and comfortable in the meantime.
Dietary management is helpful for these cases. Offer your dog a highly digestible diet in small meals little and often, such as rice and boiled chicken. This will help the intestine to heal whilst being easy to digest. Once they have completely returned to normal, then gradually reintroduce their normal diet. If they’re still unable to hold down food, then you know there’s a more serious problem. The most important thing you can do is make sure they have unlimited access to fresh water, as dogs can dehydrate easily when they can’t digest food.
Knowing When to Call the Vet
The third and perhaps most important way to take care of your dog when it’s sick is to know when to call the vet. We’ve described lots of warning signs, so don’t hesitate if you’re concerned something is wrong. Make sure you’re registered with your local vet, have access to online consultations and look into pet insurance – this means you won’t have to hesitate and worry about money before taking your dog to the vet. Make sure you can call the vet in full confidence whenever you need to.