If you’re currently in the process of teaching your Boston Terrier brand new commands or are house training your Boston Terrier, you’ve come to the right place. Simply continue reading in order to discover a few invaluable Boston Terrier training tips to follow. In order to quickly and effectively train your dog.
5 Boston Terrier Training Tips:
Immediately reward your dog when it correctly responds to a command:
It’s crucial to remember to give your dog a small edible treat or to verbally praise your dog for following a command, immediately after it responds to your command. Ideally no more than 2 to 4 seconds should pass between your dog exhibiting the right behavior and its reward. As it’s important that your dog learns that it is being rewarded for performing a specific action or behavior.
Use a single room to start house training your pet:
If you wish to train a puppy or are adopting an older Boston Terrier which hasn’t been house trained, it’s a smart idea to use a small room in order to start house training your dog. As an example, you may want to house train your dog in a small unused bedroom. Alternatively you may want to house train your Boston Terrier in a bathroom or kitchen. As both areas usually have tiled flooring or linoleum instead of carpet which can be hard to keep clean when you’re house training a puppy or dog.
Use a specific outdoor spot to toilet train your Boston Terrier:
Once your Boston Terrier is house trained, you’ll be able to teach them to use a specific outdoor spot to relieve themselves. As if you choose a specific spot to use, your Boston Terrier will quickly associate the spot which you’ve chosen with relieving themselves. Which should make outdoor toilet training easier.
Enrol your dog in local obedience classes:
Even if you’re able to teach your dog simple commands at home, it’s still well worth enrolling your dog in local obedience classes. As you’ll get to see if your dog still willingly follows commands when there are distractions around them such as owner dog owners yelling their own commands to their pets. As an added bonus, if you enrol your dog in an obedience class, they’ll also get to socialize with other dogs. Which should go smoothly as Boston Terriers have a positive reputation for getting on well with other dogs and have a friendly, non-confrontational disposition.
Create train your Boston Terrier as early as possible:
It’s also a wise decision to crate train your Boston Terrier, so that they’ll be comfortable if they have to endure an extended stay in a crate at a veterinary practice or if they have to travel by crate in the future. While your dog may initially be frightened of the prospect of walking inside a crate, with time they’ll realize that they have nothing to fear and that their crate is a safe spot for them to relax.
So if you’re wondering how to train your Boston Terrier, hopefully you find all of the Boston Terrier specific tips listed above useful. Especially if you’ve just adopted a new Boston Terrier.