Prices and fees have a huge impact on people determining if they will use your service or not. Most if not all people want the best service they can get at the lowest price. IRS-EIN-Tax-ID gives the best, most reliable, and fastest service at an even better price. After determining your entity, filling out the application, and submitting you pay a one-time service fee of $185 and no extra fees if your EIN needs to be rushed. If you submit your application by 3:00 pm pst during a weekday, then you will receive your EIN that same day. After 3:00 pm pst and during the weekends it will take up to one business day for your federal tax id number.
You are advised to not be “upsold” by other competition service providers asking for you to pay more money and higher fees for the expedited process. Other companies will charge you several different fees that could end up costing you hundreds of dollars just to obtain an EIN. IRS-EIN-Tax-ID gives you the best prices and services possible. You can fill out your employer identification number application at any time because their website is open 24/7 365 days a year while other sites are closed at night and on the weekends.
Before filling out your application, be sure you are using the right entity. The different entities include:
- Sole Proprietor
- Individual
- Limited Liability Company
- Estate of Deceased Individual
- Partnership
- Corporation
- S-Corporation
- Personal Service Corporation
- Church Controlled Organization
- Non-Profit
- Other
Be sure to research what you are wanting to make sure you are trying to obtain the right thing. For example, you need a tax id number for trust after death of the grantor especially if it is an irrevocable trust. Making sure your information is correct before submitting the application is important to make sure it does not get rejected.