As the new year approaches, we should start thinking about what good habits we want to implement into our everyday lives to help us achieve our goals. Forming good habits is just as important to success as having set targets; habits are like the guidelines we follow to reach our goals.
That being said, it can be hard to determine what exactly we need to start doing every day to get to where we want to be. That’s why we turned to digital marketer, entrepreneur, and business developer Nimrod Santo for some tips. Santo talks about his top six simple health habits that help him own his day and reach his goals.
Nimrod Santo’s Morning Routine
One of the biggest habits that’s helped me stay on track with reaching my goals is creating a morning routine. Morning routines are important because they set up your day for success.
Also, by doing the same thing every morning, I eliminate the anxiety of having to make a lot of choices right when I get up. I talk more about the details of my morning routine on this feature.
No Screens in the Morning
I try to go through my morning routine without looking at any screens. My morning is reserved for myself to reflect on what I want to achieve that day and in my life.
Instead of waking up and checking what everyone else is doing throughout the day, I write my to-do list and check in with myself.
Healthy Breakfast
I’m a firm believer in the term you are what you eat.” Over the years I’ve developed a habit of making myself a nutrient-dense breakfast in order to fuel both my body and my mind.
I like to have a breakfast that includes healthy fats, proteins, and carbs. Some of my favorite meals are eggs with whole wheat avocado toast, oatmeal with peanut butter, or protein smoothies. After having my breakfast, I feel like I can take on the day.
Speaking affirmatively to myself has been one of the most life changing healthy habits I’ve implemented into my life. I begin everyday with affirmations.
Affirmations are positive phrases or words that influence your subconscious mind. When your subconscious mind is positively impacted, you start to become more creative and open to the beauty of life.
Practicing Gratitude
After I say my morning affirmations, I like to say a few things I’m grateful for in my life. It’s important to be thankful for what you already have in order to move forward in life.
Sometimes I write down what I’m grateful for in my journal, or sometimes I go over what I’m grateful for in my head as I make my breakfast. You can be grateful for anything, no matter how big or small – it can be as little as being grateful for waking up in the morning or as big as having a job that allows you to keep yourself alive.
Get Moving
As much as I like to surf, I can’t always get out into the waves every day. That being said, I try to do at least 30 minutes of exercise to keep myself in shape to be ready for when it’s safe to take a surf trip again.
Exercising everyday helps my body retain the strength and stamina needed to ride the waves. I also find that exercising every day is a big stress reliever and overall brings me a lot of mental clarity.