Many of you have written in to us asking about Amazon FBA of late, and in particular why there are so many success stories relating to people who have businesses with Amazon FBA. The first place to start here is to say that many of those who are making big bucks through this business model have taken online courses such as the one offered by Nine University, if you wish to make a success with this business then this may be a good idea. The Nine University reviews are brilliant which is why we mentioned that particular course. Now, getting back to why exactly people are making so much money from this type of business, there are a number of factors which we must consider when we are talking about it, which I want to get into today.
Amazon’s Success
The most obvious reason why more and more people are making great money on the website is that Amazon itself is going from strength to strength and the numbers which it is putting up are simply incredible. Naturally as Amazon continues to grow and grow, its vendors are able to make much more money thanks to the increased popularity. The good news for those vendors on Amazon is that the site doesn’t show any signs of slowing down soon.
When the Amazon FBA model was first set up there were nowhere near the number of wholesalers which were selling online compared with how many there are now. In fact there were many wholesalers who were still selling face to face when it was first set up. Thanks to the likes of AliBaba however, and the fact that many more wholesalers have gone online, there is more access to a wider array of products than ever before. This means that not only can vendors choose from a wider variety of products but they can also choose a variety of styles as well.
Each country has their own Amazon but many sellers are beginning to understand the value in selling abroad. In most cases the products come from somewhere like Asia and are sent to the Amazon warehouse, of which they have several around the world. There is nothing therefore to stop someone from selling in another country and this has opened the marketplace up and allowed people to sell to a far wider range of individuals.
Switch it Up
One of the best things about running a business on Amazon is that you can sell whatever you want, no matter what department or section it may be in. This means that vendors can jump onto popular products even if they don’t usually sell such items. The result of this is that vendors can sell products which are topical or trending and it wont take much effort for them to do so.
This is a wonderful business model and if you are prepared to work hard then you can find great success here.