When people buy a new car, new motorbike or any new vehicle in fact, there is generally a conversation whereby they will be offered what the dealer considers to be one of their best extended service contracts. Usually by this point the buyer has heard just about enough sales talk for one day, and see this as an optional extra which they simply do not need. The reality however is that this is usually a great deal and one which more people should consider taking. It is understandable why many say no, but here is what this may not be the right move in the long term.
Rotten Luck
Whether we care to think about it now or not, we have to accept the fact that things will go wrong with a vehicle, and this happens more often than not, once the original warranty is over and done with. In such a. Situation if you have an extended warranty then you will be safe in the knowledge that no matter what happens with your vehicle, that you are going to be in safe hands.
Financial Planning
Something which many fail to consider is how much easier financial planning is when you know that you have a warranty in place. Instead of panicking that something will happen with your vehicle when you are having a bad month, or being forced to put money to one side all of the time to prepare for this, you can comfortably plan your finance with the confidence that you are fully covered should anything occur with your vehicle. This just gives you that extra peace of mind, which believe me will help in years down the line.
Sharing The Benefits
A common school of thought amongst people who reject any kind of extended service contract, is that they will likely have sold the car by the time that it comes into effect. Now this may very well be the case but what you should bear in mind is that your warranty can easily be passed on to a new buyer, all you need to do is change the name on the warranty. This not only gives the née user great coverage, and something which may second hand buyers wouldn’t expect, but it’ll add value to the overall deal for your vehicle.
Insurance Mentality
Ultimately the mentality of buying a policy such as this is the same as if you were to buy insurance. What we mean here is that this is a policy which helps you should something happen, and if nothing does, it will have been for nothing. In spite of this however, when we look at the pros and cons and weigh up the probabilities, this is really a policy option which makes perfect sense and which more people should look to invest in.
And to conclude, if you do get the opportunity to purchase such a contract then think twice before you refuse that deal.