Yes, there are a lot of things that elevate your mood including sleeping, doing activities you like, and hanging out, but nothing cheers you up like food!
It is one of the simplest things that can instantly make you happy and boost contentment.
There is a lot of foodstuff including french fries, chicken nuggets, and ice creams that you usually see when looking for happy foods on the internet, but you must know that these items elevate your mood temporarily and are generally not healthy.
If you are in need of food that brings you happiness while being good for your health, you’re on the right page.
Eat This, Not That: Top Happy, but Healthy Foods
Here are top 6 foods that bring you happiness with health in every bite.
- Whole Grain Bread
Stressed out or having mood swings? You might find carb-rich foods really tempting when your hormonal rollercoaster is in full swing. Carb-rich foods result in obesity and other health problems and have effects on your mood that are just temporary.
Substitute cookies with whole grain bread that helps you be calm and in good mood, and keeps you in the pink. The bread increases the amount of spirited bacteria in your gut, ultimately leaving a positive impact on your mood.
- Seaweed
Seaweed is filled with depression-fighting iodine which is not commonly found in foods. Iodine is good to keep your thyroid well-functioning, which ultimately influences your weight, brain functioning, and even liveliness.
While sufficient iodine in your body keeps you in ecstasy, scarcity of it leaves you feeling blue even on good days.
3) Eggs
For common illnesses such as lethargy, cold, and low blood pressure, doctors often advise you to have more eggs. Eggs energize you and nourish your skin and hair. After all, eggs are the building block for to-be babies of chicken and so they contain everything your body needs to be healthy.
Studies also suggest that people who chow down boil eggs regularly are more likely to lose weight than those who prefer creamy, cheesy stuff for breakfast or snack-time.
Eggs are rich in omega-3 fatty acids, vitamin B, iodide, zinc, and other proteins that leave you happy and keyed up for a long while in addition to keeping you hearty.
4) Asparagus
Your body needs serotonin which is the brain’s key mood-lifting neurotransmitter. Asparagus stimulates the production of serotonin because of presence of tryptophan in it.
Factually speaking, 50% of people with depression problems have scarcity of folate. The green spears also kindle the production of folate which has the quality of fighting depression.
5) Mushrooms
Mushrooms are the most underrated super food. They are loaded with nutrients that help regulate your mood. It is a food rich in vitamin D and selenium; scarcity of which, according to research, put you at a higher risk of facing problems such as depression, anxiety, and exhaustion.
6) Dark Chocolate
If you are one of those people who can’t resist having chocolates to fix their mood, here’s the good news for you.
Cocoa present in dark chocolate regulates blood flow in your body and gives an instant boost to your mood as well as energy levels. Dark chocolates are the best food if you need something sweet to feel better without feeling guilty!